VAN DEN HUL 반덴헐 THE DIGI-COUPLER 75 Ohm [DIY] (Halogen Free)

Awards —

Hi-Fi Review 2002:

Best Buy of the Year

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*D.I.Y.디지털,동축케이블로 ,디지탈케이블,TV동축케이블,인터커넥터케이블등 다목적으로 사용가능합니다.

*아무리 먼거리라도 일정하게 75옴을 유지하며 3GHZ가지 주파수대역폭이 넓어서,SACD,DVD-AUDIO등까지도

폭넓게 사용가능한 HI-END 디지탈케이블입니다.

*3중쉴드처리되어 외부노이즈를 완벽히 차단합니다.

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*HIFI REVIEW 2002 올해의 제품상 수상

*3GHZ까지 확장된 주파수밴드로 어떠한 디지탈신호도 손실없이 전송가능한 하이엔드


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*고순도 크리스탈 무산소 동선에 순은을 두껍게 코팅하고 반덴헐만의 고유기술인HULLIFLEX ®적용

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반드시 사실때 반덴헐 정식 대리점에서 구입하시기 바랍니다.

저희케이블랜드는 반덴헐 정식 수입사인 (주)에스엔피사운드(02-705-7780)

의 정식대리점입니다.

The DIGI-COUPLER 75 Ohm is our top level SPDIF digital audio interconnect cable, though is equally suited for Video and HF signal transport at a maximum performance level.

The DIGI-COUPLER 75 Ohm has been specially designed bearing the highest possible transmission quality of 75 Ohm impedance level SPDIF consumer format digital audio in mind, and is aimed at the critical audiophile as well as the professional.

The DIGI-COUPLER 75 Ohm’s special design covers all aspects required for a flawless and reliable transmission of SPDIF digital audio at short range as well as across large studio distances and allows for notable improvements in your audio quality.

The cable’s strict HF design likewise benefits the transport of Video and HF signals well into the GigaHertz range.


The DIGI-COUPLER 75 Ohm features a very constant and precise 75 Ohm impedance: 75 Ohm ± 0.5 Ohm up to 3 GHz.

This is important, since otherwise the signal will be reflected up and down the cable (i.e. standing waves). Such signal reflections deteriorate signal integrity by causing the digital audio signal as seen at the receiving end to be overlapped with time delayed replicas of itself (i.e. signal reflection induced inter-symbol interference).

At the receiving side this negatively influences the D-to-A converter clock retrieval circuitry’s (PLL’s) ability to maintain a stable sample rate (i.e. fluctuations in the timing interval between the audio signal’s samples occur).

The resulting distortion of the audio signal is officially called “jitter distortion” and is particularly perceivable as reduced resolution and imaging.

Note: To maintain a precise 75 Ohm impedance and avoid signal reflections, the advised minimum value of bending radius for The DIGI-COUPLER 75 Ohm is 8.0 cm.

The DIGI-COUPLER 75 Ohm features a very high frequency bandwidth.

As an example: The -3 dB bandwidth of a 10 m. run is 770 MHz.

(For more data see Specifications: HF Performance Graphs: Attenuation, below).

A high bandwidth is important: An SPDIF digital audio signal contains frequencies that extend far beyond the usually specified minimum required bandwidth (~6 MHz). Even though this minimum bandwidth provides useable transmission, accurate data transmission and recovery of low-jitter clocks in real-world noisy environments will benefit from greatly increased bandwidth:

The digital audio signal consists of elementary data units (bits) in the form of zeros and ones. These are square waves (merlon shaped elements) which vertical edges serve as a demarcation for the signal receiving circuitry (e.g. D-to-A converter) to be able to retrieve the signal clock and to recognise the contained bit values.

Cable bandwidth decreases with cable length used. Lower bandwidths increasingly cause the digital audio signal’s square waves edges to get rounded off and become smeared over time (inter-symbol interference). This impairs the receiving circuitry’s ability to correctly determine the individual bit values and their timing. The so-called “jitter distortion” and “bit error rate” increase and the audio quality decreases.

A short note regarding optical fiber cables for digital audio and bandwidth:

Although these exhibit a very high bandwidth and near perfect noise immunity by themselves, the bandwidth of the unavoidably extra involved optical transmitter and receiver parts (especially those used in common consumer devices) is one of the most important performance limiting factors. Others are: The optical power available, so-called modal dispersion, attenuation and connector transition losses.

Depending on the situation, though in many cases, coaxial SPDIF transfer is preferable if low jitter distortion replay is aimed at. This provided a good cable like our The DIGI-COUPLER 75 Ohm is used...

The DIGI-COUPLER 75 Ohm features a very low signal attenuation per unit length.

As an example: At 100 MHz the attenuation is a mere 0.11 dB/m.

(For more data see Specifications: HF Performance Graphs, below).

Low signal attenuation (i.e. low signal loss) is especially important when long cable runs are used (e.g. in professional / studio applications).

To maintain optimum signal quality, a maximum signal to noise ratio at the signal receiving side is required. The signal therefore needs to undergo as little as possible attenuation during transport. This of course equally applies to digital audio as to video and HF signals.

A low signal attenuation also positively adds to immunity against external noise, though latter starts with a good shielding:

The DIGI-COUPLER 75 Ohm is a so-called “Superscreened” or “Low Transfer Impedance type” cable.

To maximize performance in keeping the signal in and noise (RFI and EMI) out, the highest possible shielding factor is required. Without making compromises, The DIGI-COUPLER 75 Ohm’s design therefore features a so-called “triaxial construction” which makes use of multiple highest quality shields.

(Triaxial construction: essentially a coaxial cable surrounded by an extra separately insulated shield).

In The DIGI-COUPLER 75 Ohm not less than 3 dense braided shields, 3 foil shields and a Linear Structured Carbon ® (LSC) saturated outer layer are used, which combined shielding factor results into an ultra high screening attenuation and an ultra low transfer impedance; This allowing the cable to carry the designation “Superscreened”.

The DIGI-COUPLER 75 Ohm’s supreme immunity against radio frequency and electromagnetic interference allows trouble-free use of large lengths. Multiple lengths can be run in parallel without risk of mutual interference, even with other cabling (e.g. in cable conduits).

Signal cables are denominated “Superscreened” or “Low Transfer Impedance type” when their Transfer Impedance is as low as or lies below 50 µOhm/m.

The Transfer Impedance is a measure for the quality of the shielding and is defined as the relation of the voltage along the screen of the disturbed system to the current of the disturbing system.

The lower the Transfer Impedance of a cable the less susceptible its transferred signal is to external interference, but equally the other way around: the less noise the cable itself radiates.

The latter is also expressed in the so-called screening attenuation figure, which indicates the ratio between the power radiated from the cable and the signal level it transports.

Our Superscreened The DIGI-COUPLER 75 Ohm cable’s screening attenuation and transfer impedance show excellent figures up to our measurement limit of 3 GigaHertz (see Specifications: HF Performance Graphs, below).

The DIGI-COUPLER 75 Ohm features high purity dense silver coated stranded shields as well as a rugged and hard-wearing jacket made of our HULLIFLEX ® 4 polymer insulation material. All providing an optimal protection against chemical (corrosive) attack from the outside world and ensuring a very long lifespan.

Bearing professional, broadcast and high resolution applications in mind, The DIGI-COUPLER 75 Ohm’s design has all the technology on board for exceptional performance without compromise.

The DIGI-COUPLER 75 Ohm provides the cleanest possible signal transport in all 75 Ohm impedance level applications and is the ultimate choice for the critical audiophile, videophile and professional.

Next to our standard sales units (see specifications below) The DIGI-COUPLER 75 Ohm is also available on 100 m. reels fitted with end-caps to prevent any entrance of chemically polluted air.

Shipping: 1 x 100 m. reel in a 310 x 310 x 290 mm. box with a total shipping weight of 10.4 kg.


Cable Type: Triaxial, Superscreened
Conductor Material: Core: High purity Matched Crystal OFC
Intermediate conductor and Screen: High purity dense Silver coated high purity Matched Crystal OFC
Design Purpose / Application Area(s): Highest quality level: Digital audio (SPDIF) interconnect; Interconnect for Video and HF signal transport; Unbalanced measuring equipment interconnect; General purpose and hometheatre unbalanced interlink
Eff. Conductor Ø / Eq. AWG No. / Strands: Core: 0.283 mm² / Core: AWG 22.6 / Core: 1; Intermediate conductor: Al foil + 128 + Al foil + 128; Screen: Al foil + 192
External Diameter / -Dimensions: 8.2 mm.
Resistance (20 °C / 68 °F): Core: 5.92 Ohm/100 m.; Intermediate conductor: 0.814 Ohm/100 m.; Screen: 0.747 Ohm/100 m.
Capacitance: Core-Intermediate conductor: 56.2 pF/m.;
Intermediate conductor-Screen: 470 pF/m.
Characteristic Impedance: Core-Intermediate conductor: 75 Ohm ± 0.5 Ohm, up to 3 GHz
HF Performance Graphs: Characteristic Impedance / Attenuation / Transfer Impedance / Screening Attenuation / Return Loss
Insulation / Dielectric Strength / Test Voltage: Core: PE foam; Intermediate conductor: PE;
Jacket: HULLIFLEX ® 4 / 300 Vrms min.
Connector Types Suitable: Our BNC type BNC - 9.0 and our RCA type C - 8.4; Custom mountable on ordered lengths.
Standard Sales Units / -Lengths: 100 m. reels; Single packed with RCA or BNC (unbalanced) connectors in 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2 and 1.5 m. lengths; Other lengths: please consult your van den Hul dealer or the van den Hul distributor in your country.
Jacket Colour(s) Available: Gold tone
Remarks: Is a technically extended version of our The TRIAXIAL Professional 75 Ohm.
RCA and BNC connector terminated units are equipped with a ground-end marking sticker.

반덴헐은 기술과 감성의 결합이라는 슬로건을 내걸고 CEO인 van den hul

의 이름을 따서 20여녀년전에 설립한 유럽 최고의 하이엔드 오디오업체입니다.

스피커케이블,인터커넥터,카드리지,등 종합 오디오 메이커로서 여러제품들이 수많은 상을 획득하였고

하이엔드의 위상을 굳건하게 지켜오면서 하이엔드업계의 선두주자에 위치하고 있습니다.

특히 탄노이 프레스티지라인스피커의 내부배선재로 사용되기도 하며,여러 하이엔드스피커의

배선재나 점퍼케이블의 선재로 반덴헐이 사용되고 있습니다.

반덴헐의 역사는 곧 HI-END의 역사입니다.